I am a public health matron in maternity
Healthcare professional
FASD NICE Quality Standards Statement 1: Pregnant women are given advice throughout pregnancy not to drink alcohol.
The DRYMESTER campaign resources in their current format are free to access and use, or they can be adapted to suit your messaging and locality.
Contact info@drymester.org.uk for more information.
I am a public health matron in maternity
Healthcare professional
There are no safe amounts of alcohol during pregnancy
Healthcare professional
I am planning for a baby
I want to get pregnant soon
it is a 100% preventable public problem
Healthcare professional
it provides a vital resource for pregnant women
Healthcare professional
As a student midwife I want to support women
Healthcare professional
I am a student health visitor and i think its important for antenatal visits to promote and educate parents in antenatal visits
Healthcare professional
Promote with pregnant clients
Healthcare professional
Just found out I am pregnant for the first time unexpectedly so stopped drinking as soon as I found out but did drink a lot prior to finding out I was pregnant.
I am a biological mother of a child with FASD and want to spread awareness
Family Member
I am passionate about preventing FASD
Family Member
I want to increase public awareness that there is no risk free amount of alcohol.
Healthcare professional
I’m a midwifery lecturer and want to share knowledge and resources with student midwives
Healthcare professional
My son and daughter in law. She is pregnant and finding it hard to give up alcohol and smoking. She needs someone to tell her the harsh truths. Preferably someone not in the family as we feel she would just go on the defensive if it was us but would listen if it was an authority on the subject.
Family Member
people need more help to prevent FASD
Healthcare professional
I want to raise awareness of FASD
Family Member
Legal guardian to boy with fasd
Family Member
I’m supporting my niece
Family Member
my niece is due to have a baby in Dec
Family Member
I work in Public Health and pushing different ways to prevent alcohol exposed pregnancies at the earliest point.
Healthcare professional
I am supporting clients in my work role.
Healthcare professional
I want more awareness and training in my LA
Healthcare professional
looking to deliver this campaign where I work
Healthcare professional
I see the need within our communities
Healthcare professional
I want to get pregnant
I want to learn more
I’m a teacher and have taught children affected by FASD. I know some pregnant women from my antenatal classes who are still drinking and want to have resources to raise awareness of the dangers of this
I’m a midwife educator and this is an important topic
Healthcare professional
I don’t drink alcohol
I want to support a friends family and her pregnant daughter who is struggling to resist an occasional wine in pregnancy when she feels low … or her ADHD dominates sensible decisions
I’m a student midwife
I believe that everyone needs the correct knowledge and education to make an informed decision. To support those who may need it.
I would like to try and reduce FASD
Student midwife
I am interested in having more information regarding the consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
I am the admin for midwives who look after vulnerable mums to be
For info
stay alcohol free
I’m a speech and language therapist
I’m actually a public health professional and keen to see what’s sent out to parents-to-be! Thank you so much.
my wife is pregnant
I want my ffriend to know about the dangers of alcohol
I want to know about your resources as am commissioning a resource on FASD and want to know which links to include to other reosurces
im a mum
I am a health visitor
I want my friends and family to be informed about the dangers of alcohol consumption in pregnancy.
professional recommendation
Family Member
I really want all pregnant to be women to know about alcohol and the damage it can do to harm for a lifetime to their unborn baby.
i am a working working with children fasd want to highlight FASD
I support ladies struggle to stop drinking during pregnancy
I am concerned that the impact of alcohol during pregnancy is not well known & understood
Family Member
I want to eradicate FASD as my cousins had it
I am a substance misuse nurse and I would like to support and educate mum-to-bes’ to abstain from alcohol throughout their pregnancies.
My wife is pregnant
I want to understand and promote this, and to gie my child a healthy start
My best friend and sister-in-law are both pregnant so I want to support them.
To share the campaign messages
I want to learn more about Drymester
It’s the right thing to do
I want to spread the word about FASD
I am a foster carer. I see so many babies and children and parents of those children who have all been impacted by pre-natal alcohol exposure. The cycle continues. I want to help stop the cycle.
Doing research on drinking during pregnancy
I want to prevent cases of FASD & Support those with it
I Want to learn more
I was told all the wrong things when I was pregnant so I’m glad it’s a bit clearer.
Family Member
I am supporting drymester because I know a child with FASD and want to support the drymester message
I think this is important
I have a friend who is pregnant and she is unsure of the right thing to do.
I want’ to reduce FASDs
We’re supporting #DRYMESTER because we are a healthy living dentistry practice that run campaigns every month. Our audience is our patients’ and would love to be able to present this campaign in practice to raise awareness.
my adopted child is affected
Family Member
supporting friend
of my work as a Specialist Midwife in Drugs and Alcohol
It’s the right thing to do
I want to support my partner because she can’t drink
I’m supporting my wife
I want to support my friend
To support my family
Family Member
Because it’s a good cause.
A worthwhile cause, I’d like information
I want to provide 100% support
Family Member
I can be a resource to those who need the help
my daughter has FASD
Family Member
research for university social care studies
i am student midwife looking at composing a poster aimed at services users about the damming affects on alcohol consumption during preganancy
I’m a student health visitor working in an area where alcohol consumption is higher than the national average and would like to inform mums about the risks of drinking in pregnancy and help them to be dry antenatally.
to support my friend
For work
its important
to raise awareness
Family Member
I want my grandchild to be born with the very best start and my daughter to have a lovely pregnancy experience. She is a star. I’m committed to be alcohol free too!
midwife in the area of drugs and alcohol
I’m interested in becoming dry
I want to increase awareness of FSD
good to do
I’m a midwife
it is an important cause
I am interested in learning more about FASD
It’s important for pregnant women to know about the dangers of drinking alcohol
It is important
supporting alcohol free pregnancies!
help friend
Mother and babies deserve the best start in their journey together
i don’t want to see children being born with FASD
I am a student nurse and would like to know more about FASD
Love it
Family Member
advice and support
I have 2 adopted sons with fasd
Family Member
I am supporting #drymester because I am a student midwife and have an adopted child with fasd
Great initiative!
I’m pregnant and want to remain alcohol free throughout my pregnancy
we are campaigning
Health professional wanting to see and use resources
I want to be completely alcohol free
Work related to access reosurces
I have an adopted daughter with FASD and I foster a 3 sibling group with potential FASD.
Family Member
I am a family member
Family Member
I want to support my friend through her pregnancy
It is important
Family Member
I’m supporting #DRYMESTER because I’m a Family Worker supporting expectant mums
I am a professional with an interest in the issues
I work with Children with Disabilities and their families
I want to know more about the risks
I want to know more information.
Family Member
student midwife
I have children affected by PAE
Family Member
I want to find out more.
I’d like to learn more to help my sister
Family Member
Want to make a difference
To help prevent FSAD
Social worker supporting unborn babies and parents
I am supporting a friend who is drinking minimal alcohol but to help her understand impact
I’m leading on public health campaigns and want to share quality resources to promote fail wellbeing
I am interested in healthy pregnancy
Family Member
I’m a communicator working in Public Health and want to commit to sharing these resources with everyone. I also have a lot of friends who are pregnant and want to support them as best I can!
University student
Family Member
My daughter is pregnant and ha BPD
Family Member
I am a Health Visitor with a teaching role in Health Promotion
I am a Mental Health Nurse, mum of 4 and family member of pregnant ladies
Family Member
I want to make sure FASD is understood and risks of alcohol in pregnancy is understood by the next generation of mums and dads
Family Member
Im a midwife wanting to know what advice i can sign post to my women
I am a student midwife and id love to explore the resources to see what I can offer to the women I care for
Family Member
It’s important
Raising awareness at our dental practice
Supporting my sister who has just become pregnant
i am intersted in prevention of FASD
we are supporting dry-mester because we are a dental practice campaigning to raise awareness for our expectant patients.
more info
We are supporting drymester as we are a dental practice campaigning and trying to raise awareness to our expectant parents.
I’m pregnant and work in substance misuse.
I want to help my friend
To learn more
I want to support my friend
Working with vulnerable adults
I want a healthy baby
Im a nurse
Alcohol nurse
Learn about FASD
I’m interested in alcohol research
Personally, considering trying for a baby.
Also I’m a professional keen to find out about what resources there are for mums-to-be struggling with alcohol use.
NHS worker for more info
i would like to access resources
Family Member
For a healthy pregnancy over Christmas
I’d like to find some pregnancy safe cocktail recipes.
I care for 2 girls with FASD and I see and live with the struggles they face on a day to day basis. We need to raise awareness and help
mums-to-be realise the dangers of drinking whilst pregnant.
Family Member
As a birth mother to a child living with FASD, I wish I had known then what I know now! Educate yourselves and your friends, family and colleagues to avoid another child having to struggle. xx
Family Member
I want to
Conducting research project on alcohol and pregnancy campaigns
Birth mother drank alcohol during pregnancy, our adopted daughter has fasd
Family Member
Why would you not?
Family Member
I want to help prevent families sufering FASD.
sons girlfriend is pregnant
Family Member
My daughters partner is due to have a baby
Family Member
I have a grandson due and also I am a midwife
Family Member
To give my baby the best start in life
To help spread awareness of the consequences of and recommendations around drinking during pregnancy
It’s a great resource
of AEP
Supporting a friend
I teach early years education and work closely with FASD colleagues in Scotland to promote FASD
I am pregnant with my first baby, almost full term and enjoyed a whole year off the alcohol. My Skin and hair have never been better and before the pregnancy managed to maintain a healthy weight due to reducing intake.
My daughter has FASD due to birth mother drinking through pregnancy.
Family Member
share resources
i want to be healthier to increase chances of falling pregnant
I work within the field of susbtance misuse and wish to highlight the issues of FASD.
I am currently pregnant and support every other mother to be in making the right choice for their baby. You can do it ladies ❤️
I work in the field of addiction but also to support friends
it matters
Family Member
Caregiver fasd
Family Member
To support pregnant women to be alcohol free
to support my sister
Family Member
It’s for an important cause
It’s an incredible, yet very underestimated cause.
To help ensure all women understand the dangers of drinking alcohol in pregnancy.
It’s important to have up to date info to support those I care about.
It might help one child and family
It might help one child and family
Baby shower
Family Member
I want to throw a virtual baby shower for my sister
Family Member
It’s a important thing to do
Baby shower
Im supporting drymester as we had a baby shower booked for my best friend before corona virus and would like some tips to make it virtual. I found you on instagram!
I’m supporting #drymester my friend as we need to arrange a baby shower for her
It’s important that patented to be have the support that they need I. Order to get through their pregnant
It’s such a strong message and needs to be spread
Family Member
For my friend to go dry while pregnant
It is important.
Because its a really great cause.
Because I want to support my friends
I work in a dental practice
I’m supporting drymester because I would.like to improve the health of pregnant women.
I am a health champion spreading the message
parent to be
I work in a pharmacy
I work in a pharmacy
I work in a pharmacy
We are a dental practice
I’m supporting it because it I have seen women drink through their full pregnancy and I think it’s wrong because the baby does not have any say in this.
Health Campaign
I work with people with FASD and I conduct training sessions with family and support agencies, justice, police, courts, schools
I supporting staff in my organisation
I work at a dental practice
Family Member
I’m pregnant
I am supporting #drymester because I am a health care Professional, who cares and will be delivering this clear message to our communities
I work in a Pharmacy and would like to pass on the information to our patients.
I understand the risks and think its important to share them with everyone
It’s a worthwhile cause
Family Member
I think it’s a good idea
I’m supporting Drymester because it’s critical people understand the risks associated with pre-birth exposure to alcohol for the unborn child. FASD is a life long condition. Impacts affect everyone.
Babe should be safe
You shouldn’t drink
Family Member
I am looking for ways to get through the festive period after just finding out I am expecting.
Am 12 weeks pregnant
I’m supporting myself because I need to get back on track!
I’m supporting DRYMESTER because I don’t understand why anyone would knowingly risk any damage to their unborn child by ingesting something so poisonous to it.
I have a child with FAS
Family Member
it is important
it is vital
It’s vital
I want to raise a healthy baby and believe I should do everything in my power to be as healthy as possible whilst my daughter is growing
In fact i am an adoptive mother of two with a diagnosis. I have founded the supportive organisation Fundacja Archipelag and would love to share your message, experience in Poland.
Family Member
It’s important!!
I want to spread the word around AEP to save guard our future children
I want to give my baby the best chance
I want the best start for my baby.
I want the best start for my baby
I want to know what happens if you have drank when you didn’t know you were pregnant
I care about reducing the harms associated with prenatal alcohol use
I’m supporting Drymester because I want to prevent FASD and I am running FASD CYMRU in Wales. Your resources are great!
It’s what I do… My work involves encouraging and supporting alcohol free pregnancy!
I’m doing this to support my daughter
Family Member
I’m a teacher
I am a Student Midwife living in Oldham, Greater Manchester. I am currently doing an assignment on alcohol in pregnancy. There are a lot of mixed messages out there, however I feel strongly about spreading the message that abstinence is the safest option for mother and fetus. This is the first initiative I have seen of its kind so it shows that government strategies to reduce alcohol use is being taken seriously! 🙂
I am currently going through the IVF process and want my body to be in the best possible shape for it to work.
I’m struggling to give up red wine so I’m trying to source a really good alcohol free one that tastes like the real thing.
My sister is currently pregnant and I want to help raise awareness and show my support
Family Member
My sister is pregnant and I want to raise awareness and give support x
Family Member
I work at a dental practice and want to promote
It’s worth not drinking for a year to get a happy healthy baby at the end of it.
I work at a dental practice and we want to promote drymester
It’s socially responsible, it’s a human being
You shouldn’t drink at all when pregnant
I would like to support this
To find out more information
My baby is more important than having a drink
I’m pregnant
It’s the best thing to do
It’s an important message
Supporting my wife by going dry for the rest of the pregnancy
Not drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a good thing for baby and mum-to-be.
There are so many mixed messages out there but this is just making it clear. More people need to hear about it!
I think its a very important issue
I love this campaign!
Thank you Drymester. I’ve been saying this for years. My friend is pregnant so I’ll show her your website.
I am supporting Drymester because it’s such a great cause!
Good luck to my best friend. Supporting you through your pregnancy and will be spreading the word about #DRYMESTER too.
I agree with going alcohol free during pregnancy. It’s best not to take the risk where babies are concerned.
Family Member
Its such an important issue.
My baby is more important than any drink
I am fully behind this campaign!
Family Member
My sister told me about Drymester. I was unsure if I could drink alcohol when I was pregnant so it’s good it’s a bit clearer. I’m glad my sister has the right advice for her pregnancy. So looking forward to meeting my niece or nephew!
Family Member
I was unsure whether I could drink with Christmas approaching. I’m glad I know now; it’s just not worth it.
I’ve decided to stop drinking too in support of my girlfriend. It isn’t a huge sacrifice really and it’s nice to be able to help out in some way.
Whether a parent-to-be or a friend or family member, sign up to #DRYMESTER today. You’ll gain access to our handy resources, tips and advice on how to go alcohol free, or support a loved one through pregnancy.
For our 'Parents-to-be' Resources, we just ask for you to sign up and tell us who you are and why you're supporting #DRYMESTER so we can continue to create useful content. You'll then receive a code that you can use to sign in and access the 'Parents-to-be' Resources.
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Sign Up TodayThank you for introducing the #DRYMESTER conversation to your workplace and helping to reduce cases of FASD.
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Copy the code DRYM3ST3R19 and head on over to the resource section to unlock access.
Thank you for signing up! Head on over to the resource section and use the code 'DRYM3ST3R19' to unlock access!
Join business in your area adding healthy pregnancies to their agenda.
See our advice and guidance to support alcohol-free pregnancies for parents-to-be in your workplace.
View nowOur business resources are completely funded for, we just ask for you to let us know the type of business you're requesting from, where it's based and why you’re supporting #DRYMESTER so we can continue to create useful and relevant content.
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