FASD NICE Quality Standards Statement 1: Pregnant women are given advice throughout pregnancy not to drink alcohol.
The DRYMESTER campaign resources in their current format are free to access and use, or they can be adapted to suit your messaging and locality. Contact info@drymester.org.uk for more information.

Celebrating International FASD Awareness Day 2024

The 9th September is an important day for the FASD community. It is an opportunity to raise awareness of the condition and it’s prevention and diagnosis, advocate for neurodiversity and promote alcohol free pregnancies.

This year has been no exception for DRYMESTER. Armed with our key prevention message of ‘no safe time, no safe amount when pregnant’, we took to Media City in Salford, along with key stakeholders, families and friends from Greater Manchester FASD Network, GM ICP, Salford University and event organisers National FASD.

To raise awareness of the spectrum disorder, 660 baby grows were placed across the bridge during a busy lunchtime to symbolise the 660 babies born with FASD each year. A figure derived at using the lower percentage of Salford University’s prevalence research.

It was a humbling and impactful sight that stopped members of the public in their tracks as they enquired the event’s purpose. We were also delighted to be joined by Hits Radio and BBC North West, who interviewed Greater Manchester FASD network, National FASD, and DRYMESTER.


Spreading awareness of the dangers of alcohol to an unborn baby is pivotal to reducing the numbers of babies born each year with FASD. Our aim is provide clear and concise messaging and advice from the Chief Medical Officer, to healthcare professionals and the general public through a range of resources available to download from this website.


On FASD Awareness Day 2024, National FASD released ‘Not Commissioned: Systemic confusion in NHS services for alcohol, pregnancy and FASD’, a biennial progress report on NICE…

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